The Koel Times Are A Changin'
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Gavin holding Gage...
This is a moment that a mother remembers forever, I'm sure. The first time this happened was last week when my mom was here helping me, and the best and only picture we got of it was on her cell phone. The second time this happened (the other night when my friend, Diana, was over) we got pictures, thankfully, and Daddy was home to witness the precious sight too. Gavin says, "Can I hold him?" And then he holds out his little hands right next to each other a few inches from his body and waits. Then, only moments after Gage is in his arms, he says, "You hold him now." I'm so glad that we didn't push this after the first time Gavin expressed interest in the hospital and then changed his mind. It was so much better to have him really want to hold his baby brother and let us know that when he was ready.
Our three monkeys at bedtime...
Gavin at the zoo...
Brent was practicing for his National Geographic photo shoot. Isn't this a cool picture of the cheetah?
Gage at 1 month old....
This might have been the picture (or one like it) that earned him the title of "Benjamin Button" (given to him by his Uncle Zachie, of course). He looks so stoic and--I'll admit this, Honey--ridiculous in this WAY outdated argyle suit. Maybe some things really should be retired, which in this case would have been 15+ years ago.
Friday, February 5, 2010
Our two babies...
Oh, and by the way, how are we liking the argyle outfit that Gage is sporting? That's thanks to teen Uncle Adam who wore it as a baby. (Don't worry: It hasn't been worn out of the house...yet.)
Early mornings with Mom...
I'll be so sad when Gavin's response to "How did you sleep?" varies from the current "Good morning" status. (The cutest part is that he answers this way even at 4 pm when he's getting up from his nap.) Precious!
Uncle Zach and Aunt Lorna meet Gage...
We were calling Gage our sweet little "wrinkle in time" when Zach was here. And Zach was also making reference to sweet little Benjamin Button. Go figure.
Grandpa Bruce, Grandma Emily, and Uncle Adam visit
Gavin "helping" Gage get to sleep...
Sleeping just like his big brother...