The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Gavin, Gage, and Kyla

Oh my word! How adorable is this?! Gavin's good little buddy, Kyla, LOVES Gavin's baby brother. She'd been asking to hold him recently, and this might have been the first time of several lately in which she and Gavin shared the job. (Gavin always becomes conveniently more interested in his little brother when someone else wants to hold him, but it's precious any way you cut it. And I will add that he did ask to hold Gage on our bed yesterday when it was just us at home, so this is progress.) This picture was taken at our house, and I told them to each kiss one of Gage's cheeks. Kyla always says to her mommy, my good friend, Amanda, "Isn't he cute?" She'll make a wonderful big sister someday.


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