The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Our Gavincito...

Gavin: "Mama?
Mommy: "Yes, Baby..."
Gavin: "I think I love you."

(This has been a recurring comment lately that's been so adorable I had to write it down.)

Gavin: "Guess what? Rabbits real love celery."

Gavin: "In Jesus' name, Amen."

Gavin: "Her had a fever." (I don't really feel like correcting his little her vs. she issue yet. It's just too adorable for right now.)

Recently I went out to dinner with a friend only to find that, atypically for Gavin, he had cried for nearly an hour while I was away, saying things like this to Daddy, "What am-a-gonna do without a mommy?" When I asked him about it the next day he added this heartbreaking comment to the mix, "I thought that you were gonna go be someone else's mommy." Now when I go places, he'll occasionally ask me, "You're gonna come back?" Where do kids get this sad idea that Mommy might not come home again?!

Easter egg hunt...

For the second year in a row we attended the amazing "Oerter Family Easter Egg Hunt" in Eldorado Springs. (This was the 30th year they've done it! 80+ people RSVP'ed, and it is such a neat thing to do if you live in the area.) They gather to sing worship songs and tell the Easter story first, and then the kids are dismissed by age for their egg hunts. They also have crafts, flowers to plant and food for everyone. It's such a wonderful ministry.

Here we're showing Daddy what Gavin was finding behind trees, under rocks and in the grass. Such treasures! (What's amazing to me, now that I think about it, is that Gavin hasn't remembered about the all of the candy from the hunt, which has been on top of our refrigerator ever since. Good deal.)

Mommy is making sure that Gavin fully appreciates everything he finds.

Besides all of the loose candy and toys that he found, there were tokens "hidden" amongst the grass and garden, and Brent thought that it was pretty funny that I was so into Gavin finding a token (redeemable for even cooler things from another Easter basket) that I would all but encourage him to traipse across the garden in order to find one! Hey, do you blame me?

PS. Besides celebrating Jesus' risenness that Easter Sunday, we also celebrated Gavin's first poop on the "big boy potty," though we've seen no repeat performances since. Lots to celebrate!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Gavin growing up so fast...

Much to Daddy's chagrin, Gavin has discovered chocolate because...oh yeah, I'm his mom. Here he's enjoying a thin mint, thanks to the girl scouts. I just have to share some recent Gavin stories and quotes that have made us chuckle lately:

After he had ruined his sock by dragging it through the dirt and snow all the way home in the stroller, I suggested that we throw the sock away. Gavin looked surprised by my suggestion and a bit bewildered before he said, "Maybe we need God to heal it."

Another time we were snuggling and he said, "I love lovin' you." Precious!!!!

We've been having some issues with Gavin messing with his diaper during or after a nap, resulting in a wet bed. One such time after a nap I came in to find Gavin sitting up in his bed singing, "Row, row, row your boat gently down the pee pee's." Funny stuff, albeit a bit frustrating.

We were watching a "Celtic Woman" special on TV the other day, and Gavin said, "That's the prettiest woman." Are you kidding me?!

I tell Gavin often that I treasure him, and he said to me recently, "Thanks for treasurin' me."

Here are the things he says that still crack us up:

-He swears that the Malaysian tapir is actually a "tank ear." (If you're wondering where he learned about this animal at all, look no further than Diego, as in Dora's cousin. Go, Diego, Go!)

-Monarch butterflies are "monards," and he will not hesitate to correct me anytime my pronunciation might deviate from his.

-He points out his "preckles" from God. God only gave him a few, but God gave Mommy lots of "preckles."

"I changed my other mind," he says a lot. I love to think about the way he's making sense of the things he hears us saying. I was looking for a nursing bra the other day, and Gavin marched around the store saying, "Chicken broth, chicken broth, where's the chicken broth?" It took me a second to get it (so you're not alone if you're still there), but I guess bra and broth do sound a lot alike, huh?

He's such a little sponge these days, and I love to observe his language development. The linguist in me gets a real kick out of it.

New Gage pictures...

Here's some recent shots of our baby boy. He was nearly 14 lbs at his two month check-up, so he's a hefty little dude. He's super long, too, just like his brother. His eyes are a beautiful, deep blue, and he has lots of hair which makes him look older than he is, unfortunately. I'm getting more comments these days about the Borger family resemblance, and I have to say that I'm seeing it more and more too. (This is special, by the way, since we often hear that Gavin looks just like a mini Brent.) He's 12 weeks old today at 12:05 pm, and I realize that I keep referring to his age in weeks because it sounds way too old (and sad for Mommy) to say 3 months. I'm wondering where the time has gone, and with it my tiny 7 lb 10 oz baby? In its place is a milk machine with so much budding personality. (I'm starting to think that Gage just might spit up more than the average bear, by the way, and more than I remember Gavin spitting up. I hope that I'm not eating something that's bothering him.)
He's smiling so much these days, and he started laughing two days ago! I mean, that's adorable! The best smiles I get are when he's focusing his eyes when I come into his room...and then there's that precious moment when he recognizes me. That's priceless. It's as if he's saying, "Oh good. All is well in the world. Mommy's here."

He's become much more playful and conversational lately too. I love hearing him talk! He grips things and holds our fingers and little rattles. He's learning how to control his arms and hands to get them to go where he wants them to. Side note (and totally unrelated): Not that you can really see this in the above picture, but his skin has taken a turn for the best lately and soft, baby cheeks have emerged. I'm so excited to stroke those little softies.

We love this little inquisitive look that he often gives us. Isn't it funny? I've been calling Gage Mr. Milks, Sweet Chicken, Tiny Sweetness, Smile Factory, Mr. Smiles and a hundred other names that come to me in the moment that I can't seem to recollect right now. I have to say that he is, over all, a very content and easygoing baby, and we're so thankful for that.

I love to watch Gage watching Gavin. He follows him around the room and even tracks him upside down. I can tell that he really loves his big brother. We've been using this fact to try to motivate and remind Gavin that it's his job to be a great big brother to Gage.

Family story time...

I love to read to my boys. In fact, I've been thinking lately about how much I LOVE snuggling in bed with Gavin and reading to him. It's probably one of my favorite parts of our day together. And Brent and I remember how we started reading to Gavin when he was tiny, so we really try to do the same now with Gage but with much less success I will admit. Speaking of story times, we've enjoyed going to the library story time on Wednesday mornings, especially when we make it in time for more than one story. (Last week we only made it in time for the last story--oops! I didn't quite realize how difficult it would be to get everyone fed, bathed, changed and out the door by 9:15, but it's proving to be quite challenging!)