Much to Daddy's chagrin, Gavin has discovered chocolate because...oh yeah,
I'm his mom. Here he's enjoying a thin mint, thanks to the girl scouts. I just have to share some recent Gavin stories and quotes that have made us chuckle lately:
After he had ruined his sock by dragging it through the dirt and snow all the way home in the stroller, I suggested that we throw the sock away. Gavin looked surprised by my suggestion and a bit bewildered before he said, "Maybe we need God to heal it."
Another time we were snuggling and he said, "I love
lovin' you." Precious!!!!
We've been having some issues with Gavin messing with his diaper during or after a nap, resulting in a wet bed. One such time after a nap I came in to find Gavin sitting up in his bed singing, "Row, row, row your boat gently down the pee
pee's." Funny stuff, albeit a bit frustrating.

We were watching a "Celtic Woman" special on TV the other day, and Gavin said, "That's the prettiest woman." Are you kidding me?!
I tell Gavin often that I treasure him, and he said to me recently, "Thanks for
treasurin' me."
Here are the things he says that still crack us up:
-He swears that the Malaysian tapir is actually a "tank ear." (If you're wondering where he learned about this animal at all, look no further than Diego, as in Dora's cousin. Go, Diego, Go!)
-Monarch butterflies are "
monards," and he will not hesitate to correct me anytime my pronunciation might deviate from his.
-He points out his "
preckles" from God. God only gave him a few, but God gave Mommy lots of "
"I changed my other mind," he says a lot. I love to think about the way he's making sense of the things he hears us saying. I was looking for a nursing bra the other day, and Gavin marched around the store saying, "Chicken broth, chicken broth, where's the chicken broth?" It took me a second to get it (so you're not alone if you're still there), but I guess bra and broth
do sound a lot alike, huh?
He's such a little sponge these days, and I love to observe his language development. The linguist in me gets a real kick out of it.