Is this precious or what?! His wispy, Fraser hair cracks us up. Though all of these pictures are adorable to us, I thought that the photographers didn't have the best luck that day capturing Gage's most precious smiles.

If we thought that it was tricky to get good ones of one child, we didn't know what we were in for with two! When one was smiling the other was serious; or better yet, when one was elated the other was in tears. This was one of the best pictures of Gavin and Gage together. Side note: Not that you can see it here, but Gage adores his big brother. He watches everything he does and has recently even become distracted by him when he's supposed to be nursing. So cute!

This was one of the most precious solo shots of Gavin. What a grown-up little dude we have!

Oh yeah, this was probably the best one of them together. Gavin's hand on Gage kills me!

Oh, wow! How did my Precious Piggy get to be four months old?! When I was sleeping?! Oh, yeah, maybe not, since I'm still not doing enough of that these days. (I'm only feeding him once in the middle of the night now, but I'm still up a bunch just helping him get back to sleep between 11 pm and 4 am. We even let him cry for up to five minutes at a time, and that felt impossible to do with Gavin at this age.)
can you handle that sweet little smile?
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