I guess this isn't a particularly good shot of most of my family between the plant, the computer and Gavin's hat, but here they are (from left to right): Brittany, Sierra, Aunt Patsy and my goofy son who was posing with a straight face for the camera.

As you can well imagine, Gavin LOVED the trampoline outside. And I did too...until we bumped into each other and my lip started bleeding. That quickly ended my trampoline time, but that didn't stop Gavin from jumping with anyone else willing.

It was a good spot for tackling too. Daddy and Gavin like to do that.

This is Grandpa Brandt. He is my mom's dad and my only living grandparent. He is 89 years old and recently had some serious health problems, so I was really glad to see him and introduce him to Gage. He loved the boys, but I don't know if he knew quite
what to do with Gavin most of the time. Gavin thought it was pretty neat that Great Grandpa knew how to wiggle his ears. Now if I ask Gavin if he can wiggle
his ears, he just puts his fingers on his ears and wiggles 'em. Clever!
Hi, guys! It's Terri (on Ben's google account). What a great trip of "1sts" for Gavin! You're a beautiful family, and Tara, I love your corny comments on the photos! A mommy after my own heart. haha Next time, we'd love to see you. Cute pics of boys together...can't wait to do that w/ Aiden and Ashlee someday. =)
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