The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Bolder Boulder 2010...

Gavin ran/walked/was carried by Daddy for his first Bolder Boulder this year. It was adorable to see Brent and Gavin come into the stadium together, and I was so glad to catch that moment. I had run the race earlier (thankful to run it all without having to walk but a bit disappointed that I didn't go faster) and had nursed Gage at the top of the stadium, and Mom and I were in the bathroom when we got the message that they would be entering the stadium momentarily. So we almost missed 'em, which would have really bummed me out. Gavin was beaming on Daddy's shoulders when they showed up, and I was so proud of Brent for having done the whole 6.2 mile race with Gavin...on his shoulders, on his back, in his arms, etc. He said that they had fun and were able to stop at nearly every fun diversion along the way. I still hear about the cotton candy and the bubble machine. No doubt that much patience, creativity and determination were required by Brent to make it to the finish line that day. I think that their final time was two hours and six minutes. Not bad, all things considered. And the most important part, of course, was that Gavin had a great time. I love to think that he may have started an annual tradition at 2 1/2!

Gage was asleep in the carrier right behind us, so this really was a family photo. Don't you love Gavin's totally serious face? It was so fun and very surreal to be sitting in the stadium after the Bolder Boulder with my husband and our sons doing the very typical BB things that we had done without children for so many years: watching the parachuters land, choking back the tears during "I'm Proud to be an American," rifling through the lunch bags to find the good stuff and figuring out what to do with the rest, talking to friends and family and enjoying the sunshine. It was a perfect race day, by the way: a gorgeous Boulder day that was for the record books. What treasured memories for Gavin's first Bolder Boulder!

Random Gage picture...

Babies are so darn flexible, aren't they? Gage is always putting his feet in his mouth. He's been rolling all over the place for awhile now, but recently he's even started rocking back and forth on all fours. For real?! He's already trying to start crawling?!!! Look out, Gavin!

"Generations" concert night...

On May 15 Brent and I sang in a concert that was the culminating experience of the "Generations" choral group we sang with for the four months prior. It was directed by my former high school choral director and "legend on his own stool" (to quote Kirby Shaw himself), Ron Revier. Brent and I had fun singing together every Tuesday night, and our parents took turns watching the boys for us. (Thank you very much, Moms and Stepdads!) It was both exhilarating and nerve-racking to be back on stage after so many years, and for me it was just as challenging not to touch my face and do awkward stuff with my arms when I was up there singing in front of so many people. (The concert sold out!) We were so grateful that Brent's dad and grandma could be here from out of state to hear the concert, and we think that it turned out pretty well. A fun detail was that I got to re-wear the dress I wore in my brother's wedding almost five years ago, and Brent was looking sharp in his new purple shirt.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Great Grandma Koel's visit...

Great Grandma Koel came to visit for our choir concert on May 15. She took the train from Kansas, if that isn't adorable. Grandpa Koel (Brent's dad) also came out, and we're so glad that they got to hear us sing and see our boys for the weekend.

Great Grandma read Gavin lots of books during her visit. It was so nice to have an extra hand when she was here.

Gage and Great Grandma Koel had an instant bond. She made him crack up, and it was so fun to see her playing with him. We're so glad that she came to visit!

Mother's Day...

Brent and the boys made my Mother's Day a very special one this year. Daddy packed the perfect picnic lunch, and we scouted out the perfect picnic spot at Chautauqua Park in Boulder. What an awesome place! It just reminds me every time how blessed we were to grow up in Boulder. Even from behind, doesn't Gavin seem so big in this picture?

We recently rediscovered the perfect picnic blanket that's huge and cozy, and now I take it everywhere with me. Gavin brought his soccer ball and shared it with a family near our picnic spot, and it was so fun to watch the kids and the daddies playing together.

Gage is such a joy to have in our family. He's the most easygoing baby in the world, and he loves being outside. I love to watch him as he follows Gavin with his eyes and as he takes in his new surroundings. He adores his big brother! And Gavin has become the most precious, concerned older brother...most of the time.

Is this child precious or what?! I think that the onesie my mom bought him just about sums it up: God was just showing off when he made me.