These pictures are precious to me. This was Gage's first exposure to grass...close up. Doesn't his facial expression just say it all? I think I took these pictures after Gage had taken a little swim in his baby pool. I really treasure the one-on-one time I get with each of my boys, and this particular day I had some time outside with Gage before Gavin was up from his nap. (Did I say naps? What are those?! Gavin is currently on another one of his nap strikes with Mommy, but he still takes them for Daddy with no problems whatsoever, which is really helpful seeing as though Mommy is the one who's home all day with two kids. I tried to pay extra special attention today while Daddy put Gavin down so as to glean any and all magical nap wisdom from Brent, but I fear that come Monday we'll be right back to no napping for Mommy. All prayers in this department are much needed and appreciated.)

This is my favorite picture of the series. I loved watching him reach for the dandelion. I loved blowing it for him and watching his face as the little cotton pieces disappeared. Gage is a precious child, no doubt.

Yes, Gavin is putting a strainer on his little brother's head in the above picture. He still goes from being ultra sweet with him, and I quote, "Gage, you're beautiful" & "Gage, you're so special" to being ultra
wily, like when I asked him what in the world he was doing to Gage's head with his little whisk: "I was just swirling him. I was making him into muffins." That was classic!

Brent and I get so excited about our boys being good buddies as they grow up together. It's so fun for us to see them interact more and more. What a gift they are to us!
LOVE LOVE LOVE the photo of them looking at eachother - frame it frame it!
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