Gavin and I recently had a fun Mommy-and-Son day out at the
Longmont Reservoir while Gage and "Grandma Mike" (the name that Gavin calls Brent's mom, after Brent's half-brother, Mike) hung out at Grandma's house.

It was so much fun to see Gavin playing with his little buddies, and kids never seem to be phased by the temperature of the air or the water when they consider swimming. It wasn't exactly a hot day, but that didn't stop any of them, and by the time we were leaving it had really warmed up.

I was really glad to have this special time with Gavin. When everyone else had gone and he was done playing at the "beach," we had a nice lunch at a table in the shade under a big tree.

Gavin got a big kick out of sitting in this lifeguard chair...

...and wouldn't
you trust your children under his supervision? Just look at him!
nice baywatch shots!
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