The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Halloween fun...

Gavin Elliot Koel was the cutest little chef we had ever seen! We borrowed this little outfit from a friend in my small group at MOPS, and it could not have been more fitting. Gavin loves to cook!

Gage fit right into Gavin's old dog suit, and he would even keep the hood on, which makes the whole costume. (Gavin wore the dog's face like a hood, and it was a challenge even getting him to keep it on long enough for a picture a few years ago.)

I love this picture! I love to watch my boys looking at one another. They're so sweet.

What a pair! We walked around our neighborhood, and Gavin really got into it this year. He was very excited about the sugar, as you can imagine. The glorious part is that he has completely forgotten about his pumpkin full of candy, and I wish I could say the same for Mommy. (The only things left now are not even worth mentioning.)

I carried the little puppy around our block, and he never even contested once about keeping the hood on. Occasionally, a neighbor would ask if Gage needed any candy, to which I would reply, "Why, yes, Gage really could use one of those" as I'd point to my favorite chocolate bar.


Blogger Goodworth Family said...

Gavin can cook me up some cuteness! love the reuse of the dog costume!

November 26, 2010 at 12:47 PM  

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