The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Hunting pumpkins...

We went to the pumpkin patch to find a pumpkin again this year, and I think that this is the one that we ended up taking home. It always happens to us that we see tons more great-looking ones after we've chosen ours and we're already driving out of the patch. Next time we should just drive the whole loop and look more on the backside. Brent is in his bike gear, if you're curious. He rode his bike from work to the pumpkin patch to meet us.

This was the best shot we got of the two boys together, if you can believe it. Soon after this Gage was feeding himself dirt, and things were going downhill. I have to remind myself that I'd rather have quick and candid shots like this--and experiences too, because this excursion was pretty short and sweet--than none at all.


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