The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Nature shots...

Gage LOVES nature. He can sit and stare at trees and touch the grass forever; I love that about him. I am convinced that he is very fond of the color green.

And Daddy questioned Mommy's desire for a photo shoot, what with the whole "hat-to-cover-up-the-missing-shower" deal and all. It's him we came to watch! He is precious, no doubt about it.

He is the sweetest, most snugly little thing I've ever known. Though I would never wish the stomach bug on anyone or their infants, I will say that snuggling with Gage last week when he was sick was one of my personal highlights in his nine months of life. He would gravitate toward my shoulder all week and fall asleep on me in the cutest little positions. Sometimes I would just sit and rock him for awhile after he was asleep just to have more time to stare at God's beautiful creation. I will miss his smallness.


Blogger Unknown said...

I love the picture of Gage snuggling on your shoulder, what a sweet smile...looks like he's laughing. Loved your comments as usual, and I can't wait to meet this Smallness. The shoulder snuggling picture kind of looks like young versions of Uncle Michael (step brother Mike?), yes? Love you guys, miss you dearly, as always can't wait to talk to you.
Sarah P (know you have lots of Sarahs, don't worry, I know I'm your favorite, sorry other Sarahs :)

October 16, 2010 at 8:22 AM  

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