The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Berry picking...

We recently visited Berry Patch Farms in Brighton with our friends, Amanda and Kyla. Of course, one of Gavin's favorite parts was sitting on this tractor.

This is Kyla, one of Gavin's best little buddies. In this picture they're sitting on a tractor pull that took us out into the strawberry fields. We had heard that sometimes it's possible to pick lots of berries, but apparently it was slim pickins' the day we were there, as evidenced by the mere handful of strawberries that made it home with us. Of course, that didn't account for the ones that never made it into the cartons. I was actually surprised that Gavin didn't eat even more than he did. We would have been more successful with the raspberries, but we were all winding down by the time we got to those bushes.

Can you see the rooster behind Gavin? Thankfully, he provided sufficient entertainment for my eldest son while I decided to nurse Gage before we hit the road.

Gavin got special permission to sit on this bad boy, just for the photo opportunity. Isn't he cute?

You might easily miss the reason for this picture: the HUGE hog in the background that they named "Bacon Bits." You can imagine that Gavin got a pretty big kick out of this and even tried to wake him up when we were leaving. Hmm, not so sure that that was a good idea.


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