The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Park Day with Dad...

Tara was hanging out with good friends in Portland and it was an all-guys weekend back home. Gavin was too sick to ride his own bike, so I pulled both of the little men to the "Red Park" in the trusty flyer. They did well, but they were packed quite tightly. What you can't see is a full-sized soccer ball below the blankets that became a major source of strife about who could hold it during the ride.

Above, Gage seems to be slowly adjusting to the brightness of the sun after being inside all morning. It's fun to see that he is getting big enough to really enjoy the playgrounds, as well. They have started to chase each other around a bit, and Gavin always likes to come swing next to Gage when he gets the chance. As you can see from the picture, Gavin is quite the ham for a camera. If I get any pictures of Gage, I quickly hear a "Take a picture of me too!" from Gavin.


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