The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Bath times...

There is nothing that melts my heart more than seeing one of my children "nakies" in a bath towel. (If your heart also just stopped when you saw this adorable picture of Gage, I don't blame you one bit.) My sweet baby is growing up more every day. He's full of all kinds of new words, he's become quite proficient in saying "yes" (complete with the "yes head" that uses his whole body to demonstrate an affirmative response) and he's running these days to keep up with (or get away from) his big brother.

One of the favorite Easter basket surprises was a bottle of apple bubble bath that Gavin asks to use in his baths a lot now. You can see that this provides hours of free entertainment, what with the bubble beards, mustaches, goatees (is that really how you spell that word?!) and more.

Besides putting the bubbles on himself, Gage also really likes to give Gavin a bubble beard lately. I love to watch my boys in the bath together...until the whole thing goes south, that is, usually due to some issue about whose turn it is to be in the front. This sometimes results in the removal of our eldest son from the bath.


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