The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Everyone's biking these days!

Gavin's riding a big boy bike now! No training wheels! We're so proud of him, and he really takes after Daddy in the biking department. Brent took the training wheels off about a month ago now and committed to helping Gavin every night after work for about a week. He was confident that it wouldn't take more time than that for Gavin to get the hang of it, and he was right.

Gavin started just going up and down our street. Then he graduated to the sidewalk, and pretty soon Brent was taking him to the school park by our house. Now I have to haul with Gage in the stroller to keep up with him!! He really is a force to be reckoned with on the bike, and I think that he's inspired several of his older buddies on our block to ditch their training wheels as well.

And with the advent of Gavin on a bike with pedals, that left his old balance bike (the Strider) open for business. So Gage has started practicing on it, and I think at this point he gets as big a kick out of wearing the helmet as he does riding the bike.

It's crazy for us to think that we gave Gavin the Strider when he was only 18 months old! Here Gage is fast approaching 16 months, but he's only taken the balance bike for a "spin" a few times. It's notable that Gavin must have been significantly taller at Gage's age, because Gage can hardly touch the ground with the seat in the lowest position possible. I guess time will tell if both brothers will be bikers like Daddy.

Whether he bikes yet or not, nothing is hindering Gage from sporting the tiniest (and cutest) bike jersey you've ever seen! This was all for Daddy, but man was he a cutie!!!


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