Isn't there something wonderful and refreshing and just altogether right about seeing a child with a hose in his hand in his own back yard?! I'm occasionally aware of how easy it is for us to take our water for granted. What a gift it is!

Yes, Zach, this is our childhood horse from Grams and Gramps. Still has my name on the underside, but the noteworthy change to this wooden stallion has been the loss of his ears over the years. That could be due to general carelessness (when the horse was left outside in the elements to fend for himself), but the kids don't seem to notice or mind the earless stallion.

Gavin just finished a yogurt popsicle moments before this picture was taken (see the remnants all over his shirt), and here he's hammin' it up with the popsicle stick. He usually insists on me taking a picture of him if he knows that I've just taken a picture of his little brother.
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