The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Apple Tree...

These were the mandatory first-day-of-school pictures taken in the school parking lot. Gavin was so excited to get inside that he probably wasn't as stoked about the pictures as we were. Memories, my boy, memories.

Gavin had just seen one of his classmates standing in front of the sign, so that added some legitimacy to the deal for him.

Brent went into work late that morning so that he could join us for this monumental day: our first child's first day of school! Crazy!!!

Gavin's teacher, Mrs. Tonelli, is wonderful! She is so patient, kind and encouraging of each student. (I saw this firsthand the other day when I went in to volunteer.) She has her hands full with seven boys and five girls, but she seems to manage them all quite well. God prepared her well for the classroom by giving her three boys of her own, and that makes me feel like our boy is in extra good hands.

Everything must be green for our boy these days, so it's no surprise that Gavin chose a green journal on his first day of class. He's eager to learn, and we're so thankful for that. He comes home singing songs and prayers and telling us what he's learned, who he's played with and who was having a hard day at school. (I should say that these things come out over the proceeding hours and sometimes days depending on when he feels like sharing, which does not necessarily coincide with the time when we're asking him about his time at school. Funny how that works.)


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