The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving festivities at theToppings - part 2 of 2...

This is so cute--how Grandma and Gavin are sitting so nicely with their hands on their laps. Madison (who's almost three years old!) is the boys' cousin, and I think that they're starting to have more fun playing together.

Ok, ok, I'll retire the adorable sweater vest before someone starts singing, "Fat guy in a little suit..." (There's actually nothing fat about Gavin--he's long and lean like his daddy--but I'm pushin' it with this sweater vest, so I promise that you won't see it again 'til it's on Gage.)

What a precious picture of Gage with his cousin, Madison. She has the cutest curly hair!

We were all sitting outside tossing the ball to Shelby, Grandma's dog, and Gage's throws, bless his heart, didn't make it very far. Sometimes Shelby seemed confused.

And then Gage would run after the ball and try again, insisting that Shelby go and "git it," even though some of his throws would barely make it past his finger tips. Taking turns was really the name of the game here, and we can all stand to practice that more.


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