The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Gavin Swimming

Here is Gavin in another swim lesson with "Miz Liz." He is doing an awesome job these days and is routinely used as the model on how to do a back float. Recently, he even start to use his arms to slowly push himself around while maintaining his back float. When he does this he is able to make it around the whole pool including the deep end. He is still working on diving in and flipping over to his back to get to the floating position...but I am sure he will get it soon.

This picture is actually Gavin taking a turn swimming completely under another girl in his class. He used to be pushed under and through, but now he does it all by himself with giant kicks and even a little arm action under water. This seems to be his favorite thing to do...well that and picking up rings and other toys off of the bottom of the pool (which is about 3 feet deep in the shallow end). He is doing such a great job! Both Tara and I are very proud of the progress he has made, and it makes us feel that much safer when he is in the water.


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