We all love these beautiful bronze statues outside of the hospital (
Avista) where the boys were born and also where their pediatrician's office is. Jesus is sitting between a lion and a lamb, and there's a child at Jesus' feet.

Gavin is the one (very perceptive) that noticed that Jesus is drying the little boy's tears. I love that image, and I love seeing my boy hugging Jesus, too. Gavin's prayers have been so sweet and sincere lately. The other day he asked God to help him and Gage be more helpful to Mommy in the store, and today he thanked God for his "good behavior" with Daddy this afternoon. I love his laundry list of things he sees on the table too: "And thank you for this rice and these tortillas and these beans...and we love you, God. Amen." And then Gage's new standard prayer with the most adorable intonation in the world (I
keep saying that we have to capture it on the video camera one of these days) is: "Thank you, God, for this food. Amen." It is so precious for me to see my boys acknowledging God and, seemingly, developing a relationship with Him as they grow.
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