The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Sledding on Christmas...

Thanks to a friend's suggestion this year, we discovered an awesome new place to go sledding that makes our former sledding post look like an ant hill. There were even a few snowboarders on this hill if that helps to paint a better picture.

Hard to tell, but I'm pretty sure that this is me with Gavin in front. We had so much fun!

Gavin started seeking out the bumps to plan his route down the hill. I swear, that child has no fear! (Now that I was talking about Gavin, I realize that the above picture is probably Brent coming down with Gage. His reaction to this whole deal was classic! He watched with awe as Brent went down the first time with Gavin, and when they finally came to a stop at the bottom of the hill, he turned to me and simply said, "My turn.")

Gage also managed to fit into the one-seater that Dad gave us for Gavin several years ago. So he'd get all settled in, hold on to the rope and we'd give him a little push down the bunny slopes :)
And I wish that you all could have seen the smile that came next!

Gavin also took the hill in the big sled by himself, head first, sometimes. I think that this was a favorite family Christmas memory for us all this year. I loved watching how much fun the boys were having, I loved remembering how much fun I used to have sledding as a kid and I really enjoyed knowing that we could share this fun adults with our adventure-seeking children.


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