There were rumors out about this day weeks before it happened, and we moms swapped stories about the particular renditions we were getting from each of our kids. Gavin's buddy, Callie (the one in purple above), told her mom that all of the kids were going to Mrs.
Tonelli's house to watch movies and eat popcorn in the teacher's basement. But the real version wasn't that crazily different from everything we'd heard: The kids really did wear their adorable pajamas to school right before Christmas break, and they really did watch a movie and eat popcorn in the basement of the church. (Mrs.
Tonelli even brought in a thermos of hot chocolate for the kids. Have we mentioned yet how much we love her?!) And the bonus feature was a surprise visit from Santa, which--funny enough--Gavin said nothing about until we saw the pictures later.

The kids were sweet and generous with one another before Christmas. Gavin decided that he wanted to give each of his classmates a penny, and then the day before his last day before the two week break, we came up with the idea of putting a little jingle bell on a ribbon (like a necklace) for each of his friends. I love to see my kids' genuine excitement when they have been kind and generous to others.
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