The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Our Christmas at home...

Man, would I love to know what I'm doing in this picture?! But, what I can say is that I was attempting to read the Christmas story from Gavin's Bible, and Gage was doing something with the "Little People" nativity scene. I always have grand ideas for how this whole time will go--and it's never quite how I imagine it--but I'm still really glad that we do it, because it's up to us to establish the tone and meaning of Christmas for our children. As theatrical and altogether dramatic as Gavin is, I have it in my head that he'll act out the Christmas story with his little nativity scene while I read. And a string quartet will play in step with the story providing the perfect background music, too, you're asking? I do realize that maybe my hopes are high, but it's very important to me that our kids understand the true meaning of Christmas from the very first time they'll have memories of it at all. If Jesus never came to this earth, then we are all very lost, indeed.

Gage is displaying his new Christmas pajamas in this picture. We started a tradition this year that we'll give them each new pjs on Christmas Eve. I'd like for us to establish some fun holiday traditions that we'll all look forward to and remember for years to come. What are some of yours?

Brent is reading Gage a new book, and in the foreground (really?!) is my Dustbuster, given to me by both my husband and my mom. Oops! Well, I guess that's one per floor. (Just kidding, I took one back.)


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