The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Gage ditches the training wheels!


 We thought that Gavin picked up biking in a hurry, but it was shocking, really, how quickly Gage ditched his training wheels...and at 2.5 years old!!!  Brent made the same promise to Gage, that he would spend a week with him practicing every night, but I swear it took Gage more like one afternoon.  We are firm believers in the Strider balance bikes, and then when you add on a bike racing daddy, a recreational riding mama (you know I had to throw that in) and a big brother who lives and breathes biking, it was the perfect recipe for little Gage to do his thing.  And look at all of those smiles!!!  We took our first family bike ride the other day, and that's a whole new stage for us--to be able to go somewhere on four bikes, zero training wheels, no strollers and the like.  What fun new freedom!


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