Trunk or treat at AppleTree...
Thank you, Friends, for these adorable hand-me-down Halloween costumes! And thank you, God, for these precious hand-me-down boys to fill them. Something about the picture above makes me think that, despite the rough 'n tumble between them, they really love each other and want to be together most of the time. Separating them for mandatory quiet times has been good (Gage won't nap for me during the week anymore) for many reasons (Dr. Steitz says that they should have at least one hour a day by themselves), not the least of which is that it actually makes them want to be together more. Sometimes this time apart even yields five whole minutes of peaceful playing upon their reunion. Just kidding...mostly.
The church where the boys go to school holds a "Trunk or Treat" event in their parking lot the weekend before Halloween. And what's an event like that without Moses...and a creepy alien in an inflatable suit. You can see that Gage doesn't quite know what to make of the whole thing. Gavin, on the other hand, has no qualms about returning to the same trunks many times. I guess we are related, huh?
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