We hosted a really cute, little birthday party for Gage at our house this year, and the theme was construction, as you can see. The kids built different things at a few different play stations (Legos, Magnatiles, Hard Hat Decorating, etc.) and had to get their building permits stamped after completing each station.
Then they exchanged their stamped passes for pizza plates, and we all had pizza for dinner.
This was the Lego building station. It was so fun to watch the kids doing what they love to do.
The kids helped me make our own cake pops this year, and that was an adventure. What I thought about later was that, crazy enough, I could have bought 12 cake pops from Starbucks (and we all know how sickeningly good and addictive those are!) for about the same price as we paid to make ours...and saved all of the mess and madness. But, what about the adventure? Maybe it was worth it for the fun with the boys, though Mommy had to dedicate some solo time to the project to make that one happen.
I love this group picture of the birthday gang in their hard hats. I have to say that, thankfully, this party was one of those rare and wonderful moments as a mommy when I felt proud of something that I had done. Thank you for that gift, Lord, and most of all for the gift of our precious three-year-old son, Gage Nicholas.