The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Saturday, September 22, 2012

A heli-of-a-gift!

"You know what I could use?" Brent said to me, in all seriousness, just before his 35th birthday.  "What?"  I said, in eager anticipation, nearly reaching for pen and paper I was so excited to consider that he had a good idea that I hadn't thought of--which was nothing so far.  "A helicopter," he continued.  Hmmm, not exactly what I had in mind, but it was a fun gift to shop for with two little boys.

Can you tell how close the chopper is to chopping off Gavin's nose in this picture?  (I don't think it actually was that close, but it was fun to make reference to the chopper twice.)

Can you tell how much the biggest boy in our family enjoys his new toy?  It was a fun, frivolous gift.  (Is that the correct use of that word?)  You know that you're fresh out of ideas when you ask for a remote controlled helicopter for your 35th birthday.  And you know that you have a pretty awesome wife when you actually get one.  (Can we tell who the author of this post is, by chance?)


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