Trip to the zoo with the Mama Gimpanzee ;)
Why not pick neon green when you get a cast, right? That was Gavin's suggestion, and I went with it...all the way to the Denver Zoo one day. Brent drove us all, and I gimped around on my lifesaver-of-a-wheelie. The most unfortunate part of this particular trip to the zoo was that we had to walk (or wheelie, in my case) about a mile to the entrance from where we parked, so I was about spent (and sweaty!) before we'd seen a single animal.
Look at these little dudes! I could hardly keep up with them on my trolly! The saving grace of this transportation was the little basket that fit in front so that I could carry any number of random (yet highly necessary) items in it without having to make extra trips (water, phone, Kleenex, paper, pen, Bible, etc.) Before long the basket resembled the front of my car, which is a bit scary if you talk to Brent, but very functional if you talk to me (and, admittedly, a little scary to me, too, sometimes if I'm being honest).
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