The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Friday, May 24, 2013

Estes Park escape...

When my friend, Natalie, told me about a deal at the YMCA camp in Estes Park (buy two nights and get the third night free), I hardly delayed in making our reservations.  Brent had grad school work to do, but I was really itching for a get-away to the mountains and for an adventure of any kind.  I got a room with two beds and a fold-out bed, so that each of us had our own, and these were the shots I took after Gavin and Gage both passed out on Night #1 in Estes.  We had shared a pizza with our friends and explored the grounds a little bit, but whatever we had done was enough to wear 'em out, and I was so glad to have the peace and quiet when the lights were out.  I brought the kids' portable DVD player and caught up on my Modern Family: Season Two (thanks, Zach and Lorna!) when the kids went to bed.  Man, that's a funny show!


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