The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Friday, May 3, 2013

Gavin's class fieldtrip...

These pictures were from Gavin's class field trip to Growing Gardens in North Boulder.  Gavin's wearing an over-sized bee suit that the kids had to wear in order to get close to the bee hives.  We got to see baby goats and walk some on leashes (that was funny!), and the kids planted something that they got to take home with them.  Their wonderful teacher, Mrs. Carter, gave them each a bug net and a watering can when they left that day.  What a neat idea to give a gift that would evoke such positive memories for the kids!  It's fun for me to see these faces (with the goats) and strange for me to realize that Gavin will go to Kindergarten with only one of them.  He's had a terrific two years at Apple Tree with wonderful teachers and great classmates.  We really can't complain.


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