The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

British soccer camp, part 1 of 2...

This is the first year that Gage got to participate in the British soccer camp, and he did great!  We love this program--they really do a phenomenal job with the kids.  I wrote this last year:  It's a rare program that's both great with the content (soccer in this case) and great with kids, and this program excels in both!

That's Gavin in action on the left.  His camp was three hours a day this year, and though we were initially concerned about that, he did really well!

The camp cost includes a ball and a t-shirt every year, so we have a growing number of both at our house these days.

Gage is SO cute in his shades, and he's actually very good at keeping them on most of the time.  His camp was only an hour this summer, and some of their games involved the parents, as well.


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