The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Valmont Bike Park - Part 1 of 2

One of our favorite things to do is to go into Boulder to the Valmont Bike Park.  We have been there many times before, but we have a great time each and every time we go.  Gavin loves to tear up the skills course.  Here is Gavin above starting to cross this log on his bike.   Occasionally he doesn't make it all the way across and has a hefty fall down, but no major injuries have occurred yet.

Here is another picture of Gavin from the side.  He sure looks the part on his mountain bike.  We probably need to work on getting him some better pads and make sure he is wearing his gloves to protect him better when he does fall.

Here is Gage cruising the course as well.  He is rapidly outgrowing his bike and needs to graduate up to the next bigger size.  He does an awesome job keeping up and doing his own laps while riding over logs and rocks and hills.


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