The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Snow Day!

These two love a good snow day.  Here is Gage getting all suited up to go and we were even able to get a nice hugging picture.  Gage has moved on to wearing Gavin's old snow pants now and we have had to get Gavin a brand new set.

These two actually race each other to see who can shovel the most snow off of the driveway.  I can't say that I put an end to this friendly competition, though I felt like I should pay them for the effort.  I have to say I (Brent) still need to do a bit of cleanup after they get tired or bored, but it's fun to be out there with them working away and playing in the snow.

Gage decided he was done with the shoveling and decided to move on to snow angels.  He had a pretty good time, though there wasn't a ton of snow on the ground.

Here is a picture of Gage and Mommy after the outdoor fun trying to get warm.  Gage loves wearing a ski hat around the house just for fun.  I have to say he looks pretty solid in it!


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