The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Family hiking trip...

One of our favorite places to take the boys hiking is up the Shanahan Ridge trail in South Boulder.  It's a wide, easy trail with beautiful views and wonderful mountain smells.  Every once in awhile (or maybe it's every time we're there, really) it occurs to me how strange and surreal it is to be hiking with my children on the trails where I hiked when I was their age.  

Pretty sure that Gage is sporting his "Single and Loving It" shirt, adorably and cluelessly. 

Meanwhile, Gavin's just taking in some sun and lovely vistas from his rock bed along the trail.

Friday, February 14, 2014

More Ski Lessons

After a less-than-stellar first attempt of the season, we geared up and returned to Eldora a few weeks later.  Gavin's full-day lesson was covered (because we were all in agreement that having a snow fight and going down the hill once didn't exactly constitute a good ski lesson), and we just decided to put Gage in another full-day lesson, too, since he was so enthusiastic about it.  Doesn't he look the part in all of his snow gear? 

I'm pretty sure that Gage is the first little blue coat going up the magic carpet in the picture above.

Gavin's lesson was much better the second go-around, and he got some actual ski practice and some exposure to the basic ski lift.  Brent is excited to take Gavin skiing next season!

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Snow fort...

Unfortunately, it's hard to see what's going on here, and I (the photographer) am the only one to blame.  Brent was outside helping the boys create a little snow igloo, and they LOVED it.  I wish I would have gotten a better shot, but use your imaginations and just know that the idea was a great one.  I have so many fond memories of making snow forts when I was younger. 

Saturday, February 1, 2014

More snow!

I'm glad that we live in a place with definite seasons.  Snow is fun!

This hat won't fit any of our heads by next winter, but it has served us well.

I think that Gage and his good buddy, Vince, were eating the snow across the street in Vince's yard.