The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Estes Park (Part 2 of 3)

No mountain adventure is complete with Gavin and Gage unless some mountain (or at least some very tall rock) has been conquered.

It's fun to watch them climb and have these dare-devil adventures together, and the truth is that I long ago lost most of the terrified feelings you might expect from a parent when you see the stuff they pull.  Admittedly, the danger in this is that I often join them in their feelings of invincibility, and that's a more recent fear of mine.  Just because they're great climbers doesn't mean that they're invincible, and I do need to remember that from time to time.

A new discovery this trip was the beautiful, recently re-finished gym up at the YMCA, and the height of the basketball hoops didn't slow the boys down much at all.

We were joined--on nights #2 & #3--by one of Gage's best buddies, Dylan, and his older brother, Logan, and their mom, Brooke.  Dylan is the little blonde in the back of Gavin in the picture above.  Playing together on the courts is one of my favorite memories of time spent with Dylan's family.  The kids found an older boy practicing (a really talented basketball player), and sometimes they just sat on their balls to watch him. 

Brooke took this picture of us in Sweet Memorial, the central cabin where nature classes are held, questions are answered and people can sign up for fun things.  The boys especially enjoy looking at the stuffed animals, like the buffalo on the wall behind us.  


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