The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Easter at the Toppings'

Easter is always a time we get to spend with extended family.  This year was Easter at the Toppings (Brent's mom and step-dad).  The Easter egg hunt was completed indoors this year with each grandchild having a different color of eggs to hunt down.  Gavin has yellow eggs to find above.

Gage was searching out red eggs.  I think this was a great way to avoid any unnecessary competition between the age groups and ensures everyone gets to find the same number of eggs.

Here are some post egg hunt celebration pictures with the boys.  It looks like smiles all around.

Sarah and Madison also were in on the action hunting for their own eggs.  We tried to get a picture of the four of them but it proved almost as elusive as the last few Easter eggs.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Organization by Gavin

Gavin certainly gets his love of organization from daddy (Brent).  We have been exploring ways to get the kids more involved in chores and taking care of the house doing the normal day to day stuff.  Gavin decided to take on a special project to reorganize the lower levels of the pantry.  The best part is that he views this as a fun exercise as he loves this kind of stuff.  It's also why he loves working at FISH so much where he volunteers every few months to help sort food for their food pantry there.  Gavin is at his best in times like this and it's great to watch.