The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Planting Flowers

After I (Brent) had finally finished my MBA, I was hoping to catch up on a bit of yard work.  I bought some mulch and a few new tools that I had either been missing or had previously broken and started to get to work.  While I was dealing with the front flower bed, these guys wanted to get to work on the flower bed that is right off of the front porch.  I guess in their mind it was an excuse to get dirty and play all at the same time.

In the end, these guys did an awesome job working as a team and did a fairly solid job of spreading out all the mulch themselves.  Nobody was even injured on the job which makes for a win all around.  I enjoy that they like to get involved in yard work and we all have fun while taking care of the outdoor house chores.


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