Swimming lessons...
We finally bit the bullet this summer and enrolled both kids in swimming lessons at the Colorado Swim School. It's conveniently located about 5 minutes from our house, and we went to check it out (the mysterious swimming pool put in next to Hobby Lobby) and were impressed with the program and instruction. We wasted too much time and money at cheaper rec center lessons with no results (and this is the story of so many families we've talked to), so it was time to sign the boys up for something legit and hope for some real results.
Every new student in the program comes every day for a 30 minute lesson for the first two weeks, and after that students are encouraged to continue coming twice a week. Our boys made so much progress in those first two weeks! And they both loved their instructors, which really helped, too.
So we did every day lessons for the two weeks in June, came twice a week in July and moved to once a week in August. They teach the kids, especially in Gage's age group, to flip on their backs and float. We have appreciated the emphasis on safety and good strokes.
Gage loved his teacher, and she left to take a different job shortly after Gage's lessons, so we're thankful we had her instruction when we did. He has become so much more comfortable in the water since June!
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