The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Sonic Boom Kids Criterium

Some of Brent's bike races have had kids' races, too, and it's been fun to have our boys get involved in those.  The Sonic Boom race takes place in Louisville every year, and it was a wet mess this time, actually preventing Brent from racing that day.  But Gavin and Gage got in on the kids' race, and the rain didn't stop 'em!  Gage was among the top contenders in his age group...

...and I think that Gavin got second place in his category!  We were so proud of them both.

That's Gage in the picture above.  You can see how wet it was that day!

Here, Gavin is holding up his ribbon, which entitled him to a Sweet Cow ice cream upon completion of the race.  You better believe that free ice cream brings kids out of the wood work.  Even when they're riding through puddles!


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