The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Masters Graduation at CCU

The graduation ceremony was held in this huge church sanctuary in Cherry Creek.  Tara, they boys, and the rest of the family sat up in the balcony seating so they could make a quick exit if the little men got a bit too wild.  It turned out to be quite a long ceremony that lasted around two and a half hours.  I believe this is a picture of me receiving my diploma as I walked across the stage.  Thankfully, the masters candidates were first, as the undergraduate names took almost an hour to get through later.  Soon after I was through, everyone departed to meet up later at Jackie's house for a post ceremony celebration.

Here are the cousins enjoying their meals at the party, although Sarah looks a bit hidden.

Later on, Gage decided to challenge Grandpa Bruce to a race around the house.  I think if you look closely you can see Gage coming in slightly before Grandpa and winning the race to claim the title!  He was definitely all smiles.


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