Colorado Springs - Part 1 of 3
We have been wanting to take some trips as a family over the summer and we decided to head down to Colorado Springs for two days and one night. The first activity that was planned was to spend the afternoon in the Garden of the Gods. It is an amazing place with these gorgeous red rock formations to hike and walk around.
Although many of the rocks were fenced in and required permits and rock climbing equipment to climb on, they had several places that you could boulder around on or walk up on. Gavin and Gage seized the first opportunity they could and jumped right on while putting their previous rock climbing class skills to work.
This was actually quick high and although it looked fun, it made me a bit nervous. I, Brent, climbed up there to spot them a bit and make sure nobody actually fell. They quickly found that getting down was quite a bit harder than climbing up, but after some coaching they were able to make it back down. They likely would have stayed up there all afternoon if we had let them.
Here is Gage with me as he climbs down. As you can see, he is quite happy.
Gavin was not satisfied with the normal bouldering rock that most of the kids were playing on so he had to locate one that was a bit more dangerous and high up to climb on. Here he is on top of this rock and is actually is leaning across a bit of a gap to a different rock. This made us quite nervous but we managed to move on without any falls.
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