The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Friday, August 22, 2014

Goofy boys and their cousins...

During Zach and Lorna's last visit home, Lorna and I made a point to get together with the kids apart from our normal family time together.  We'd been telling them about how much fun we always have at the "Frog Park" (aka Louisville Community Park), so we finally made it happen to meet up there one afternoon.  Camille was sporting Gage's Lego Land cap in the picture above, holding the Italian soda bottle that became the family beverage of the afternoon.  How adorable is my niece?!

I should expect a goofy shot (or seven) anytime I'm looking for a cute one of the boys together, so here are both!

Can you see the band-aid on Gage's cheek in the photo above?  He had just gotten three stitches--funny enough, at the same park only the week before--riding around on the little dirt hills next to the park.  Oddly enough, it was the very helmet that hurt him!  The visor piece snapped off when he fell and dug into his cheek.  To even things out, Big Bro joined him with five stitches only about three or four weeks later, when he ran into a pole on the playground at recess.  We feel like we should have a punch card at Children's Hospital by now.  I'd like to get the next one free.

Auntie Lorna is holding Rylan (20 months now!), I don't know what Gage is doing and Gavin is busy trying to spot a frog to show his cousin, Camille.  We had talked so much about the "Frog Park" that we couldn't send them home without seeing some real frogs!!!  It was so fun to see Camille's face when she finally saw one.  Oh, how I wish my niece and nephew lived closer! 


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