Ski Lessons at Eldora - Part 2 of 2
Gavin mostly disappeared to the upper slopes for most of the day, so I don't think we were able to capture any more pictures of him this day. However, Gage finally made it to the larger magic carpet ride above. He was absolutely psyched because this is where it starts to feel more like skiing and that he is doing what Gavin is doing.
He was one of the more advanced kids in his class and got to have a bit more one on one work at times with the instructors. Here he is following his teacher doing an awesome job!
Gage also decided to lead a bit in front of his instructors at times and did a great job staying in control, working on his turns, and getting so much better. He was able to do quite a few laps on this larger magic carpet hill which always feels like you are getting more value for what the lessons cost with this much skiing. It turned out to be a warm day with only a bit of wind and both guys had a great time.
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