Grandma Swindler's Birthday Celebration - Part 2 of 2
After the Easter Egg hunting we adjourned to an events center to eat lunch together and celebrate Grandma Swindler's birthday. My cousin Miranda's family prepared mountains of bbq pork and tons of other side dishes. Towards the end of the meal we got to sing to Grandma and here she is with her birthday cake.
Here is a picture of the sisters all huddling up to plan the logistics for the next activities. It has been many years since I have seen everyone together, but it was great to see.
We jumped over to a neighborhood park for a few minutes as lunch was winding down and Gage was happy to embrace his inner monkey on these bars.
After returning we broke into family teams to compete for the Swindler Striker's team glory. Our color was blue and you can see most of the crew (except for my mom) in the picture. Obviously Uncle Mike and his power beard were getting ornery in the back there. We had a blast and actually ended up taking second place out of the five. Apparently all those bowling lessons paid off! Although I don't have pictures, we headed back to Norton for a great Italian dinner at this new stone oven place in town. What a bunch of great new restaurants they have these days! We spent the night at the hotel again and had a great breakfast at my Aunt Randa's and then had to return back home. I hope Tara and my kids enjoyed the trip as much as I did. It certainly brought me back to so many experienced during my childhood with big family gatherings for the major holidays.
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