The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Sunday, June 28, 2015

New Jersey Trip - Part 3 of 6

On day three, a reoccurring theme is starting to emerge: another day at the beach.  This day was a bit cooler but that didn't really stop any of the little men from jumping right back into the water.  Here is Gavin starting off a sand castle at the edge of the water. 

As you can see from the above picture, the water was quite a bit different this day from the other days with choppy white wash everywhere and stronger rip tides.  The life guards were all over us anytime we were near the water.  This was a major difference between the East Coast and the West Coast.  The waves were only about 3 feet but they seemed to be treating them like they were 6-8 feet on the West Coast.  On this day, if you went out past about waist deep without fins and a board they were calling you back closer.  It really made no sense to me, but apparently nobody on the East Coast must be very adept at swimming in the ocean.  Thankfully, I was still able to wade into knee deep water with Gage without getting yelled at.

Here are the men in the family.  Uncle Adam on the left, Dad in the middle, and me on the right side.  Dad is clearly winning the bronze David Hasselhoff competition, and unfortunately Uncle Adam will need to head to the gym a bit more as it has to be embarrassing to look so small compared to your older half-brother.

Here is Uncle Karl helping Cousin Madison in the water.  It was a bit more challenging on this day for the smaller kids as the waves were quite choppy.

The above pictures is actually the third in a series of three I took that caught the water rolling up on Mom and Gage as the tide came in.  They had been safely sitting in custom sand chairs they dug into the beach when all of the sudden a bigger wave came up and swamped them.  Pretty funny and quite a cold surprise I am sure.


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