The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Gavin's Birthday Party

Gavin requested a soccer birthday party this year, and we were happy to comply, especially Coach Daddy.  We picked a park with an adjacent soccer field, and the kids (and some parents!) had fun playing a little game.  The other coach and our friend, Tim Allen, was an active participant and was hilariously ruthless with the kids during the game.  It really was a lot of fun!

It was a super windy day, and the windiest part was right when we were trying to sit for a few minutes and eat pizza, of course.  Parents were encouraging their kids to hold down their plates, and none of us could leave anything unattended for a second, lest it be carried off by the wind.  The kids had a great time playing together on the playground, and Gavin invited a fun group of old friends and new. 

Gavin, we are blessed to be your parents.  You are a wonderful kid who impresses us, surprises us and makes us laugh.  God, you did SUCH a good thing when You created Gavin Elliot Koel!!! 


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