The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Family Picture Time

We finally did it:  A Koel/Borger/Wills family photo shoot!  One of Zach and Lorna's good buddies and friend of ours in college, Todd, is a talented photographer, so we asked him to take some family pics of us when everyone was together in August.  He picked the CU campus, which we all know is the MOST BEAUTIFUL CAMPUS IN THE WORLD, so you could hardly go wrong there.

And you absolutely couldn't go wrong with these precious photo subjects.  This series on the flagstone steps at CU turned out to be so cute.  Look at Camille, the only one looking at the camera.  That's my niece!!!  The one who bears my middle name!!!  And look at Gage looking at his big brother...always looking at his big brother.  I love the smiles on Gavin's and Rylan's faces, too. 

Todd took some cool pictures of our whole crew across the pond , right next to the foreign language building where I took many-a-Spanish class as an undergrad.  Other than being slightly terrified of our kids toppling over the bridge and into the pond, this was a good thing.

No Borger (or original Borger) photo shoot would be complete without a couple Bro/Sis shots with some spunk.  I'm so thankful that Zach and I still have so much fun together!  I love how hard we can (still) make each other laugh, and I sincerely hope that never changes.  My boys are very accustomed to sentences that start, "When Uncle Zachie and I were little..." and I admit that they could possibly, someday, maybe get a little, teensy bit tired of hearing "Uncle Zachie and I never did this (insert behavior that is less than ideal)...or always did that (insert behavior that I want my kids to emulate)..."  I really do get excited when I think about my boys having the same kind of close relationship with one another that I've had with my brother throughout our lives. 

Brent and I really love this picture of Gavin!  What a handsome dude he is, and what a neat kid!  I like the fuzzy Gage in the background and even fuzzier Rylan beyond that.  My boys are sweet with their cousins, Rylan and Camille, and I regret that they don't get to hang out together more often.  We're planning a trip out to Austin to visit them over Spring Break, and we're all really looking forward to that! 


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