The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Brainard Lake Hike

I (Brent) had some time off with the little men and I decided to take these guys up to Brainard Lake for a nice hike.  I knew it would be a lot cooler up there, even though it was pretty warm down in Boulder, but it proved to be even colder than we had anticipated.  Here is a picture of these guys from the parking lot.

Brainard Lake is just about a half mile away from the parking lot but is very pretty.  You can see the clouds already dropping in over the mountains in the background.  I had intended to take them up the bottom part of Mount Audabaun, but I actually ended up at the wrong trail head on the other side of the lake.

We still had quite a bit of fun exploring the trail that we did end up on.  These guys are checking out an ice cold river from shore and I am hoping they are not going to fall in.

These were some pretty flowers we saw along the way.  Everything was so green and the flowers were really a nice purple.

On the way back we stopped at this bridge to look over on this river.  I think everyone was quite cold at this point so we headed back down after a good hike together.  These guys really are in their element when they can be like little WildKratts and explore their surroundings.


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