Tara's 20th High School Reunion
How could I POSSIBLY be old enough to be going to a 20 YEAR high school reunion?! It really did seem pretty crazy and hard to fathom, all around. During the day we had a family picnic at Viele Lake, and the night event was adults only at an art museum on Pearl Street where dinner and dessert was catered. Erika Rushing (above) doesn't look AT ALL different than she did twenty years ago when I last saw her cute freckled face. She's married with two children and lives in some place like Maryland. (I hate to admit that I talked to so many people and heard so many different life stories that they've blurred together for me.)
My dear Amanda (Hipsher) Fox was adorably pregnant with Baby #3 at the reunion. She was a BIG help on the reunion committee, unlike myself. I'm so glad she's back home!
Honestly, the reunion was a lot more fun than I even expected it to be. Amanda and Co. had me making announcements at the night event (sort of emceeing it, really), and I really liked that. It felt like coming home, and I didn't feel like I was pretending to be anyone I wasn't. It felt like everyone was pretty real, and that was comforting. Sarah (Hearty) Price came home for the reunion weekend, and that was a total delight! People had so much fun that they were talking about pulling the whole thing off again at 25 years. I'd be game!
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