The Koel Times Are A Changin'

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

British Soccer Camp

We always love British Soccer Camps for our kids.  This year it filled up extra fast and we were only able to get Gavin registered.  As he has grown older he gets to spend a bit more time playing some quality soccer with people his age.  He was put with a group that seemed to be a good match for his abilities with a few kids better than him and a few he was better than.  I was able to take a break from work and come snap a few pictures of him.

Here is a picture of the whole camp.  Gage, on the other hand, was with Skyhawks for a camp which had a general reputation of being alright.  However, after witnessing a few practices there we will never return to that camp.  There were two coaches for about 10-12 kids and these coaches were like drill sergeants and a case study could have been written about how not to coach kids on these two.  They lined the kids up and made them wait for what seemed like an eternity between doing anything all while berating them and putting kids in time out who dared to make a sound.  Keep in mind most of these kids were between five and eight.  It was terrible and we felt awful that Gage had to endure it.


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